With a modest budget at our disposal, we embarked on a mission to create a compelling campaign and an irresistible incentive. Our goal? To encourage more colleagues to step up and participate in their voluntary foundation days, increasing their annual commitment from 2 to 3 days. And guess what? We didn't just meet our target; we soared well beyond it, with an average of over 4.5 out of a possible 5 available days.
It's not just a numbers game; it's about the positive impact. Engaging in these volunteer days not only strengthened cross-department team bonds but also allowed us to give back to our local communities. Plus, here's the kicker – statistically it made our colleagues a whopping 42% happier.
Our inspiration came from the McDonald's gold stars that their staff proudly earned and displayed on their name badges. Knowing our colleagues were naturally competitive, it became a race to achieve full happiness and collect all those stars.
And let me tell you, it was a race worth running
This was also the first time that AR (Augmented Reality) had been used at Sage. I was able to create postcard desk drops and posters that would trigger a tracked video using Zappar/Zapworks.
Despite originally being a one-off campaign, the concept was so successful, that it was refreshed and re-used for the next 2 years. as EXTRA HAPPY and HAPPY PLACE.